Thursday, February 23, 2012

Snooty Snobs Snicker at Santorum's Satanic Salvo

        I remember the chill.




        Terrifying, just to hear another man's description.


        A few years ago I interviewed the detective that broke the Mary Jo Pesho murder case in 1996.


        Deranged 17 year old Mark DiMarco tortured,  raped, and then murdered this mother of three small children after abducting her at gunpoint at Parma Town Mall.


        The teenaged monster described the atrocity with a certain glee, like the insane villain in a comic book film.


        Only real.


        The hard boiled detective knew the mean streets of the violent inner city.


        Despite this, he feared DiMarco because in him, he sensed  evil.


        Pure evil.


        Coldness surrounded DiMarco.


 A demonic presence.


         The investigator trembled in telling me that he'd been taught about it in Sunday school.


        Until the theological theory became a terrifying reality in the interrogation room.




        When you fear for your children,  you fear the predators.


        The Mark DiMarco's.


        The Detective looked Satan in the face and was afraid.


        How about Morrie Rosenbaum of South Euclid?


        At age 16, he faced Dr. Mengele at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.


        Relieved to be sent to a factory as contract slave labor (the alternative was the gas chamber), he realized the sadistic Nazi doctor was something other than human.


        It was an encounter with the devil himself.


This is not a description.


 It's  an identification.


        The Catechism of the Catholic Church says Satan exists.  The New Testament doesn't hide behind political correctness, either.


        So why the criticism  of Rick Santorum's reference to Satan in a speech to Ave Maria University, a Catholic stronghold?


        I guess that in today's modern age of tweets, internet searches, and satellite broadcasts, some hate to admit that there's a God in heaven, saints we petition, and angels that guide us.


        But when the shovels cover the place of our burial with cold dirt, the Facebook images we obsess over will be long gone.


        Our spiritual life will be all that we have.


        A few years ago, Saturday Night Live's Dana  Carvey used to spoof the evangelical aversion to the satanic in his role as  the "church lady".


        It's not really that funny.


        Because it is real.


        So let's not knock Santorum's religious belief in Satan.


        The former Pennsylvania senator has a better grip on reality than the secular cultural icons who whistle past the graveyard, privately hoping their denial of the devil and the deity won't bite them on the keister when the credits start rolling in their life's movie.


        Some of these proud disbelievers have a  change of heart on their death beds, recognizing at the last minute that they better grab the spiritual life preserver a priest or minister throws them just before all grows dark.


        Santorum's  not the fool. 


Secularists are.


        Satan is real and I'm not ashamed to say I believe that.  


        Guard your children and grandchildren.


        Protect your heart from sin.


        There's evil about.


        Deny it at your peril.


And cut   the Santorum's of the world a break.


        He may not be such a fool after all.


        Just ask Morrie Rosenbaum.


        And the family of Mary Jo Pesho.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Irritating and Stupid spend an ordinary day together

         The other day I decided to see if I could document the number of things I encountered that were both irritating and stupid at the same time.  These six  items presented themselves in one average and ordinary day.

           One.  Speedway gas stations should never brag about their speed. Speedway has pre-programmed every single gas pump to go into the extra slow barely-dribbling-gas-into-your-tank mode exactly  sixty cents prior to pumping the amount you have paid for.

         So here's what happens. I pay for $20 in gas and when the pump hits $19.40 this extra high-speed modern technical device starts pumping at a rate slower than Goober used to pump it for Barney Fife.  

        Cynics will tell you that Speedway has done this so that impatient pumpers will hang-up the pump early and take off just to avoid the excruciating wait.

          Two. After my trip to the gas station I went to the dry cleaner where all my shirts are on these wonderful metal hangers. The proprietor informed me that I could not return the hangers for recycling because laws prohibit it as unsanitary.

        All that metal is going to waste while Mr. Lee buys new hangers day after day.

          Three. Next I went to the grocery store to buy some juice. The phrase 100% juice appears on the packaging for all kinds of fantastic juices, from pomegranate to strawberry to raspberry. With the exception of grape juice and orange juice, whenever the bottle reads 100% juice I've discovered that this phrase means that Apple juice is the majority component.

             Pomegranate 100% juice  is actually Apple juice with some pomegranate mixed in. Don't be fooled.


          Four. Still in the grocery store I encounter several fat-free products that still have some fat in them in the form of oils. The federal government says that anything with less than half a gram of fat per serving can be described as nonfat.

        This just means the FDA permits labelers to lie.


          Five. Watching a reality show later that evening  I noted that producers were bleeping out vulgarities in a  ridiculous fashion.

         The offending cast member puts her front teeth on her bottom lip and obviously lets out an F bomb. If you can tell exactly what she is saying, what's the point of the bleep?

         Watching bleeped out dialogue is now basically the same as actually hearing the words because of the bleeping technique. This is just bleeping stupid.


          Six.  Later that night the Starbucks menu board reminded me  how stupid things can get in the world of yuppie product franchising.

            A small version of a  drink is referred to as "Tall". The medium edition is called the  "Grande" which in Italian means "huge". And of course in keeping with this theme of  size names that have  nothing to do with size, the very largest drink is called a "Venti", which is Italian for "twenty", nonsensical since the cup actually holds 24 ounces.

            Language purists simply ask for a small, medium, or large  in order not to be sucked into this stupid highbrow Seattle Niles Crane affectation.

           So there it was. The day in which I kept track of things that were irritating and stupid  at the same time.

         If you've encountered some items that fit in this category yourself,  send them to me by going to my blog which can be found  at

           May  your day tomorrow not be irritating and stupid at the same time.

          It's really hard when you get hit with both barrels like that.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Olympic Hero Helps us avoid Hitler's Horrible Hellish Diet

          Many years ago, Dr. Robert Atkins promoted his low-carb diet by decrying the failures of high starch low-fat diets.

          He proved that limiting dairy and meat consumption had only a marginal effect on heart disease.

          He was right about that.

Fat limiters are regularly gurnied into the Cleveland Clinic Cardiac Surgery Center for bypass procedures, leg arteries substituted for gunky coronary ones.

Dieters who go low-fat are only slightly less likely to develop the arterial plaques that are at the root of America's number one health problem: heart disease.

Enter the Olympian armed with evidence culled from Nazi despotism.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic encountered an astounding fact several years ago.

Fat-reduced diets have a limited effect on coronary disease but zero-fat diets eliminate coronary disease.

Esselstyn won  Olympic gold in  1956 as part of America's rowing team.

He then launched a career in medicine that led to his remarkable conclusion: a zero-fat plant based diet cures heart disease without surgery.

Cures it. Stops it dead in its tracks.

Esselstyn  got hold of a study of European nations invaded by the Germans in World War Two.

The Nazis seized the cows and the chickens, leaving the native population to consume only grains, veggies, and fruits.

While der Fuehrer's minions feasted on butter, eggs, and bratwurst, the embittered captive inhabitants were forced into a diet completely devoid of animal products.

The Third Reich lost the war and the goose steppers clogged their own heartless hearts with animal fat goo.

Heart disease among the invaded fell to zero during the occupation.

Zero: no heart disease.

Post-war Europe got the animal fat back and heart attacks returned as well.

Esselstyn also points to the most comprehensive scientific study of health and diet ever conducted.

 This project compared millions of Chinese, some eating nothing derived from animal products and some eating moderate amounts.

The moderatos suffered  from angina, high blood pressure, and American-style circulatory blockage.

The heart disease in those meat-free Chinamen?

Zilch. Nada. The unimpeded free flow of blood throughout the body.

Today, Essesltyn interrupts those headed to surgery to see if they'd be interested in this scalpel-free method of unblocking sticky blood vessels.

Modern medicine can't find  one bit of evidence contradicting the Esselstyn findings.

Despite this, many see the Esselstyn diet as extreme.

Says Esselstyn: Extreme is  opening  your breast bone to access your most vital organ for arterial surgery.

Do we really want to be a nation of angioplasties, hacked up chest cavities, and Lipitor salesmen?

Esselstyn is courageous. He's a Cleveland Clinic guy  eliminating the need for the Clinic's very profitable cardiac practice.

No eggs and no dairy and no meat equals no heart disease.

If you love your family, read Esselstyn's book Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease.

Copy the chapter entitled Moderation Kills and tape it to your refrigerator.

His video, Forks Over Knives, has gone viral.

By the way, actually adhering to this diet is very difficult.

 I am doing it now.

I used to think a good time had to include a ribeye steak and cheesecake.

This pioneer at the Clinic is now revolutionizing healthcare, despite the efforts of our mainstream culture controlled by agribusiness.

Dave Thomas of Wendy's fame had a heart attack at age 64, a victim of  thinking that a burger now and then won't kill you.

It will.

Heart disease kills more than cancer, more than AIDS, more than any other condition.

It's simple.

 When it comes to eggs, dairy, meat, and fish, go cold turkey.

Cast off the Nazi diet.

It's time to live.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan's Scarlet Letter Highlighted by bizarre Capitulation

A knife in the back.

Not just my back but the backs  of children by the millions dozing away peacefully in amniotic fluid, in the place of expected safety, the womb.

          The knife enters through an incision in mama's abdomen.

We are at the local Planned Parenthood pregnancy termination center.

Plenty of pain is felt. Excruciating.

And then death.

Hopefully death occurs mercifully before the unborn child is tossed into the  baggy for disposal like a used examination glove.

Some burial ceremony, huh?

You see, The Susan  G. Komen Society announced just a few days ago that it will not fund Planned Parenthood.

          Planned Parenthood performs abortions all over the world but in America they are number one.   If they had golden arches, the sign would read  "over 37 million served, murdered, and dismembered".

         Throngs of  Americans rejoiced that with  this turn-around in policy, not one penny of the money you would give Komen to save lives would be used to destroy lives.

          Many people asked, "Why the about-face ?"

          The official reason cited by Komen President Elizabeth Thompson  had to do with a congressional investigation challenging the questionable techniques of Planned Parenthood, the largest slaughterer  of children since King Herod.

          Some suspected that it had to do with the uncontroverted scientific evidence that proves that women who have abortions can expect a higher incidence of breast cancer.

          After all, how can an organization trying to  eradicate breast cancer lend financial support to an entity that promotes breast cancer through abortion?

          Some pro-abortion rights activists accused Komen of bowing to political pressure.

          So what happened  next?

          Komen bowed to political pressure.

          Komen made ANOTHER  announcement Friday REVERSING the decision to defund Komen.

          Thus the knife.

          Back stabbing and double crossing maybe OK in  politics for some.

          But in this case Komen reaffirms its approval of infant death for preborn infants.

          It knowingly sends money to a group that promotes breast cancer through this diabolical procedure.              

         Today I am stunned because Komen has thrown away this special opportunity to speak up for the most vulnerable among us: a child in the womb.

Most importantly, they lost a chance to show courage.

          Courage to bring us all one step closer to ending the genocidal atrocity of abortion.

Susan's scarlet letter "A" has not been  removed.

It has been highlighted.

The knife cuts into you and me.

It cuts into our standing as a civilized society.

And into the spinal cord of an innocent baby.

Wear that letter, Susan.

America should know what you have done.

Millions of innocent unborns certainly do.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Scarlet Letter's Removal a Cause for Celebration


I'm smiling.

          The Susan G. Komen Society announced just a few days ago that it will no longer fund Planned Parenthood.

          Planned Parenthood performs abortions all over the world but in America they are number one. 

          If they had golden arches, the sign would read  "over 15 million served, murdered, and dismembered".

          Today, with this turn-around in policy, not one penny of the money you give Komen to save lives will be used to destroy lives.

          Many people are asking, "Why the about-face ?"

          The official reason cited by Komen President Elizabeth Thompson  has to do with a congressional investigation challenging the questionable techniques of Planned Parenthood, the largest slaughterer  of children since King Herod.

          Some suspect that it has to do with the uncontroverted scientific evidence that proves that women who have abortions can expect a higher incidence of breast cancer.

          After all, how can an organization trying to  eradicate breast cancer lend financial support to a group that promotes breast cancer through abortion?

          Some pro-abortion rights activists accuse Komen of bowing to political pressure.

           If that's true, let's just embrace the idea of bowing to political pressure.

           It's not such a bad thing when truth and justice are creating that pressure.

          During the mid-1960s, a President from Texas used political pressure to force the adoption of the Civil Rights Act. Was that wrong?

Of course not. Congress did the right thing in helping to stamp out the vestiges of Jim Crow, even if it did so because of the political threats made by Lyndon Johnson.

          With this change, I can help fight breast cancer with this new tool now available to me and my conscience can be clear.

          Now I can lace up my Nikes and participate in the Race For the Cure, knowing that with each step I run united with thousands of others to save lives.

          With this decision, Komen makes hundreds of products available for purchase to millions of Americans who hesitated because the Society's symbol appeared on  labels announcing support for Komen.

I think the product I will welcome back the most is Nature Valley granola bars.

They are simply the best but I've been without roughage ever since Nature Valley announced it was in the  Komen camp.

          You know that I've been tough on Komen because  it sent money to  Planned Parenthood in the past.

         I've even referred to the Society as "Bloody Susan G. Komen".

Today I thank them because I'll be healthier running in the race and chewing on the oats and honey I've been missing over the last couple of years.

Most importantly, I thank them for their courage.

          Courage to bring us all one step closer to ending the genocidal atrocity of abortion.

Susan's scarlet letter "A" has been removed.

And now all of us can wear pink again.

And smile.