Friday, July 8, 2011

What's in a name? Ask any bimbo

In this modern age of marketing research where techno-sleuths track your favorite flavor of Haagen- Daz,  I am stunned that a major corporate entity has introduced a new product brand name in the  U.S.  market with such marked stupidity.



This name blasted its way into the American consciousness a few months ago when never before seen commercials were unveiled during "Jeopardy",  Alex Trebek  innocently taking us to the break.


The commercial was bad enough all by itself, with a white teddy bear bouncing  around the screen accompanied by a syrupy jingle reminiscent of a kids morning cartoon  show from the 1960s.  The only thing missing was a voice-over by Captain Kangaroo.


The commercial is weird in its over-the-top fantasy animation.  It feels like one of those Timothy Leary acid trip dreams we used to  read about in  recollections of Haight-Ashbury.  Hey man,  that was beautiful, man.  Viewers might come down with a bad case of the  munchies.


So what did the Einsteins on Madison Avenue convince their client to present to the American consumer, backed by a multimillion dollar advertising campaign?


Bimbo bread.

Yep. That's the name of this latest product  brand in America.

Bimbo. Bimbo?

 A bimbo, as everyone knows, is a  slang term referring to a  gorgeous young gal a little bit light in the intellectual department. It's an insulting term not normally used in  polite company.

Sinatra used to  use the  pejorative term, "broad".  Even fans of Old Blue Eyes know that The Chairman of The  Board was never one to be concerned with women's rights.

In Mexico,  where the  corporate founders of this baking giant began,  Bimbo  does not have the same meaning.  That's fine South of the Border where Bimbo bread has been trucked to villages from Guadalajara to Cancun for many years.


But as the Mexican conglomerate looked North for expansion,  surely someone with just a part of a brain might have suggested that launching a product called Bimbo with that bizarre commercial was a monumental mistake.


Out of mere respect for sensible marketing, I refuse to buy this Bimbo.

Out of respect for young women everywhere who have managed to look beautiful and  be cerebral,  millions will avoid this bimbo.


 I suggest we focus on the definition of another word.

Bozo: A   corporate sexist who thinks he can impose his disrespect for women  on the American consumer by pouring lots of cha-ching into network programming.

Even a Bimbo can tell this idea came from a Bozo.









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