Friday, August 26, 2011

Rapper Sings New tune to Make Us Take Action

            Today I heard a rap artist  on the radio who didn't sound like a typical rap artist.


            He had just returned from Somalia.


            Children are dying in unprecedented numbers in Somalia from starvation.


            Last month in Somalia, thirty thousand tiny innocents succumbed to a painful demise in a state of malnutrition.


            The rapper lost his penchant for talking about  police brutality.  Far from his mind was another ditty about the next booty call.


            What captured his imagination was the image of a tall tribesman who carried himself with tremendous dignity.


            He was almost regal.


            However, in his arms was his beautiful three year old daughter, stomach distended and arms and legs of seemingly only bones.


            She was dying.


            Her eyes looked at her father with hope.


            Hope her father couldn't fulfill.


            Despite his regal bearing, his eyes couldn't hide a quiet despair.


            Despair because his beautiful child was dying on his watch.


            A dad should never let a daughter die, said his eyes.


            He looked straight ahead because to look down into his daughter's angelic face would have been too much to bear.


            Yesterday, I ate more calories than that little girl had eaten in four weeks.


            How can I justify my next mocha at Starbuck's?


            How can I order extra Guacamole at Chipotle?


            How does our part of the world not hear the roar of suffering echoing off the sky and descending upon us here in America as we try to organize our tweets and plan menus for cousin Julie's baby shower?


            The rapper implored, "Do Something!"


            No matter how small.


            Do something.


            One less latte.


            Get the economy wash at Joe's Auto-Bubble instead of the deluxe.


            Here's one.


            God forbid.  Skip lunch. 


            Try this also.  Pray that God will help them.  Pray that God will let them know that you are praying for them and to have some sense of peace in that and in God's love for them.


            Oh yes. Back to the doing something.


            Contact Catholic Relief services at 1-888-277-7575 or go to their website at and send money in any amount.  At least do something.


            Did I ever think I could learn anything from a rap artist? No.


            But in this instance the rapper made me think about that Dad holding his daughter.


            Make that little girl your child in your heart and then do something.


            Sorry Mr. Starbuck, rap man and I are going without today.


            How about You?



David M. Lynch

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