Friday, August 3, 2012

It's not hate: It's about love and a sandwich

Since the early 1990s, the issue of same sex marriage has been placed on the ballot 32 times.


In each and every one of those elections held in 32 different states, the public has voted to uphold the concept that marriage should be defined as a union between one man and one woman.


Those are the facts.


Does this mean that the United States of America is dominated by people that hate homosexuals?


No, of course not.


It merely means that Americans recognize  it is healthy for the perpetuation of strong families that we offer our children a definition of marriage that includes a mom and dad living in a heterosexual relationship with one another.


You can argue that this position is biblically based and you would probably be right.


 There's nothing wrong with that.


Many of these same Americans have no problem with the establishment of something called a civil union that permits two of the same sex to be recognized in a relationship that gives them the same rights extended to those who are married.


This civil union idea therefore creates the opportunity for gay couples to live together without any form of governmental discrimination whatsoever.


Just don't change the definition of the word "marriage".


 The word itself represents an institution deeply respected as expressed at the ballot box.


Which brings us to the Chick-fil-A controversy.


Chick-fil-A was established  by a very religious Christian named Truett Cathy.


Mr. Cathy suffered through many failures and hardships before his little chicken sandwich took off.


He was determined to keep all of his stores closed on Sunday, following the third commandment: Keep Holy the Lord's day.


Cathy lost millions  in sales because of this Sunday closing concept.



So it was no surprise when Truett's son, Dan Cathy, as the new head of the Chick-fil-A empire, told an interviewer that he opposed same-sex marriage because it was inconsistent with biblical teaching.


The firestorm launched by the media was merciless.


The mayors of Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco excoriated  Cathy, pledging the power of government against Chick-fil-A stores within their jurisdictions.


Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee started a  counter response, urging supporters of heterosexual marriage to eat every meal at Chick-fil-A last Wednesday.


The cash registers at Chick-fil-A rang up their  largest single day sales Wednesday.




New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told a local radio station that he  supports same-sex marriage but  opposes the idea of government punishing a company because of the personal views held by its owner.


Here's what I think.


Those who oppose same-sex marriage don't hate gays.


They love children.


They  want children to strive for the ambition of the bedrock institution behind the stability of the American family: Marriage defined as the union between one man and one woman.


Bloomberg  doesn't want to alienate the homosexual culture, but he knows that Americans consistently vote to protect the traditional definition of marriage.


In every state.


One vote at a time.


One chicken sandwich at a time.


Bon appétit.



  1. Great post, Mr. Lynch. I don't know if you remember me, but we met at Pat Paridon's fundraiser in Howland back in March. I told you then how much I enjoy your writing. Since then, I've been given the opportunity to write my own column in the Warren Tribune Chronicle every other Tuesday. Here is my latest one. Hope you enjoy it.

    1. Thanks, Martha. I am on my way to read your column. Dave

  2. Many great points throughout, David. I'm jealous...I like how you are able to say just what is on your mind with such a large font! Maybe you'd like to visit JusSayin76 and read 'Chicken Sandwich Anyone?' (I'm found a few blogs below yours.)Looks like we are thinking alike! That's good - at least from my point of view. 'Tag-teaming' is a good idea, especially on a topic as important as free speech and healthy families.
